Medley time.

It’s been a while since I’ve made a list of some of the songs and artists I’ve recently discovered, so I thought I’d do that today while I’m listening to Pandora. This serves a dual purpose: I am not only writing my blog post so I can just pop YouTube links in and hit “publish” when I get home, but I won’t have to bounce between Pandora and Spotify while I listen to make sure I add songs to my library. Uninterrupted music + passive productivity = win.

Billie Holiday, I don’t Know Whether I’m Coming or Going: I heard this one for the first time today and love it.

Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros, Home: I can’t embed the video, but the link will open in a new tab. This is one I could totally see the Mighty Slim Pickins, the kick-ass San Francisco-based queer Rockabilly band, performing. I particularly love the spoken bit that starts at 3:13.

We Are Gonna Be Friends: The first time I heard this was Jack Johnson’s, but I really like Bright Eyes and The White Stripes’ versions. The drawings with this video make my heart happy:

Mumford & Sons, White Blank Page: I really love the combination of lively music and intense emotion that is Mumford & Sons. This song in particular caught me up from the first lines the first time I heard it. It’s been a while since a line from a song has said, “Tattoo me,” but the future contemplation list now includes, “Tell me now, where was my fault/In loving you with all my heart.” Because that is how I love, and as I said to a friend last night, I curse that about myself even while acknowledging that it is one of my greatest strengths.

The Blow, True Affection: …I have no idea why I am mildly obsessed with this song. But I am.

Wild Ones, Flo Rida ft Sia: Part of me loves this because it’s a fun dance/club song, another part because Sia’s voice is edgy, but mostly it’s that it hints at something bigger and deeper. Rhianna’s S&M had the reverse effect on me; I felt more inclined to roll my eyes and say, “Uh huh, sure, whips and chains. You have no idea, little girl.” This song, though, speaks just enough to a power exchange dynamic without being all in-your-face taboo. I like that. (Warning: Haven’t watched the video, just posting it)

Regina Spektor, Folding Chair: I know I posted one of her songs last time too, but this one is fun and circus-y and Regina Spektor barks like a seal. It really doesn’t get much better than that.

Now to counter that with a completely different feeling… I am an emotional masochist, and so I start my sleepin’ playlist with this each night.

Finally, I’m still addicted to Florence + the Machine, so I’ll leave you with another of her videos. The lyrics don’t speak to me as strongly as with some of her other songs, but I love how powerful and forceful this one is, and the video is intense.

Drop a comment with a song or artist who’s blowing up your earbuds these days; I love new-to-me music and am always open to genres that aren’t yet on my radar.



3 Responses

  1. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
    Yma Sumac (Gopher Mambo) is a favorite, you can thank daisy for exposing me to this…
    The Pixies
    Mad Men soundtrack

  2. Don’t be skeered, she was just a woman who could sing in like every octave known to man, back when mambo was cool.

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