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Today has been quite a day for Femme Flavor. First, I received my first ever grant from a private donor to go toward whatever business expenses I feel are the most important at this time. Second, another supporter came through on a new computer for me, which I have desperately needed for some time. So, I went to the Apple Store after work to upgrade my phone and pick up my brand spanking new Mac Mini, which had been purchased online and was awaiting pickup. I spent a couple of hours with good ol’ Charlie, since we had to do some magic tricks with syncing and multiple Apple IDs and such, but eventually I left with everything as it should be. Have I mentioned that, in about 15 years of computer ownership, I have never had a brand new, mine out of the box, computer? I am so psyched, you guys. You have no idea.

The primary reason for the upgrade to the iPhone 4S is that I can dictate anything to a note, to an email, to a text message, to Evernote, to any of the apps that are native to the iPhone; this means that while I am doing the dishes, in the shower, out on a walk, or in the car, all times during which I do most of my brainstorming, I don’t have to either endanger myself and others or stop what I’m doing to try and get my thoughts down. While there are still plenty of kinks to work out, (while I was dictating this post, “iPhone 4S” came out as “iPhone for ass,” for example), the voice recognition is much better than with the apps I’d tried.

As often as people tell us they believe we can do something big, that we can build something from nothing, that we can change our lives and the lives of others for the better, it isn’t often that people will financially back a dream without a formal request, without a promise of a return, without any expectations but that it will be a good investment. And I intend to make my supporters of all kinds proud of the work I do, be it here, in school, at home – it is the best, and truly only even remotely sufficient, thanks I can give.

So overwhelmed with blessings today, not just because of the new gadgets, but because they represent people believing in me and my dreams. That means more than I can say.

Thank you to each of you who supports me in every way you are able. I hope to pay it forward and back and all over, time and time again. Because I know it feels as good to give support in unexpected ways as it does to get it.

Now let’s see if I can teach Siri how to do some tricks before sleep finds me.



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